LA Flex
Participating local authorities will have to ensure these are households in private tenure living either in fuel poverty or living on a low income and who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of living in the cold. In addition, some non-fuel poor homes will be allowed for solid wall insulation projects, if a proportion of the households in the project are in fuel poverty or living in the cold.

Eligibility Criteria
You are eligible for ECO FLEX if your household income is £30,000 and below, including housing costs.
You are receiving Child Benefit and you are a:
Household type & Net Earnings:
- Single person, no children £14,700
- Couple, no children £23,300
- Single person, child age 0-4 £18,300
- Single person, child primary school age £19,200
- Single person, child secondary school age £22,100
- Couple, child age 0-4 £25,500
- Couple, child primary school age £26,500
- Couple, child secondary school age 3 £29,300
- Aged over 60, and particularly those over 75
- Children under 5 and pregnant mothers
- Respiratory disease (COPD, asthma)
- Cardiovascular disease (e.g. ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease)
- Moderate to severe mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
- Substance misusers
- Dementia
- Neurobiological and related diseases (e.g. fibromyalgia, ME)
- Cancer
- Limited mobility
- Haemoglobinopathies (sickle cell disease, thalassaemia)
- Severe learning disabilities
- Autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases (e.g. lupus, MS, diabetes, HIV)
- Recent hospital admission resulting from a fall at home
The presence of many of these conditions will not in itself mean that someone is extremely vulnerable however the severity of the conditions will be considered.
LA Delivery Scheme (LADS)
We’re helping local authorities across the country to improve the energy efficiency of low-income households through the Local Authority Delivery Scheme – Phase 2 (LAD2).
What is LADS
It stands for Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme, which provides funding to improve the energy efficiency of homes of low-income households and to help reduce fuel poverty. It is a plan to phase out high carbon fossil fuel heating an aim towards the UK’s commitment to net-zero by 2050. LADS 2 operates in a different way to previous Green Homes Grant. We use local knowledge and regional expertise to identify those households which are most likely to require support, and which would best benefit from energy efficiency upgrades. Eligible homeowners could get up to £10,000 for the funding of home energy efficient measures. Private or social housing landlords with eligible tenants can also apply to get up to £5,000 towards the cost of the same Energy Efficient Measures improvements, however landlords may be required to contribute at least a third of the cost. This means landlords can get up to £7,500 worth of measures installed for a maximum contribution of £2,500. Landlords may agree to additional works with the project manager at their own expense.
This is capped at 50% (£5,000) for eligible homeowners with an EPC rating of D
Who is Eligible?
Those with energy performance certificate (EPC) ratings of E, F or G, including off-gas grid homes and must have a total annual household income of £30,000 or less.