What is? ECO4 Funding
How ECO works
Under ECO, medium and larger energy suppliers fund the installation of energy efficiency measures in British households. Each obligated supplier has an overall target based on its share of the domestic energy market in Britain. The obligated energy suppliers work with installers to introduce certain efficiency measures into your homes, such as loft, floor or wall insulation, or heating measures.
The obligation explained
The Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO) requires energy suppliers to promote the installation of measures that lead to financial savings on energy bills, such as the installation of insulation and heating measures.
You are eligible for ECO if you own your own home and live in it, or are in private rented accommodation.
Receiving Benefits?
If you are in receipt of any of the following benefits listed hereECO4 Eligibility you will qualify for HHCRO funding.
NB: To qualify the benefit recipient can be anyone that lives in the house as the end-user, for example, a disabled child, Grandparents or parents, or spouse receiving a state benefit.
Not receiving benefits?
If you do not receive any of the above Benefits you may Qualify under LA FLEX (Local Authority Flex) or LADS (Local Authority Delivery Scheme).